October 24, 2022

As I started on this amazing journey of discovery, I made the decision to learn more about photography. I took a few ad hoc online classes when I purchased my first DSLR (digital single-lens reflex - a camera with interchangeable lenses) 11 years ago. With a good eye and determination, I set out to take stunning images, mostly through trial and error. I’ve had successes.
Now is the perfect opportunity to step up my game. I’ve enrolled in a Professional Diploma in Photography course. In the short time I’ve been taking the self-paced, online classes, I’ve learned to see beyond the image. It is one thing taking pictures to please myself, it’s another taking technical images to show the mastery of a concept.
Stay tuned.
My question for you - what are you learning that’s new, exciting and pushing you out of your comfort zone? Let me know what you’re doing.